
Jan 27, 20
Looking for leaders in all the wrong places
The best candidates for leadership positions look very different from your job description. Time to recalibrate?

Nov 25, 19
Making future-proof skills a priority
Staying relevant is a choice, and the price for not sensing the signals in time could seriously impact your career. Here's what will make you invaluable in the near future.

May 14, 19
What blinds us from improving our decision making?
Our intuition is a powerful force in making decisions. How we choose to interpret a decision will fine-tune it over time. There's just one big trap standing in our way.

Apr 15, 19
Life is a dance
Life is a dance between discipline and surrender - Knowing when to take action and exert effort, and when to release and trust

Sep 8, 18
Naked at Work: How Radical Transparency Changes the Game
Is transparency at work an utopian fantasy, or is it actually a necessity?

Jul 17, 18
Introducing Lead10x: alternative thinking on leadership

Jun 29, 18
What killed Hello Kitty (and other brilliant ideas)?

Mar 20, 18
The one crucial metric you probably aren’t measuring
Metrics rule the startup world, but underneath the common value-generation KPIs there is a more foundational metric you better pay attention to

Jun 9, 16
You have no personality (and other reasons why I’m uninstalling your app)
Just like the road to hell, a startup's road to irrelevance is paved with sensible decisions